Elmer Studios presents... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number 60. A first for Elmer Studios and SVAM - a BGC: Tokyo 2040 fanfic! Complete with... Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040 is copyright AIC. Tokyo 2040: Altered Future is copyright Rick Borden who asked us to do this to him. It's not our fault. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [The scene - a well furnished apartment, with two couches in an L formation in front of a large cabinet that includes a wide-screen TV and video recorder. The apartment has a few doors to who-knows-where, and a small kitchenette. A coffee table sits in front of the two couches, and a desk, home to a well-equipped PC sits off to one side. There are two Silver Mallies resting on the bench in front of the kitchenette.] [Rick and Maya are seated on the couches. Dan bursts into the room.] Dan: Man, I was that close! It was unbelievable. Rick: Huh? What are you on about? Dan: that cage match I had against Celena. It was incredible. Maya: Cage match? I must have missed that. Dan: You should have seen it. [Dan hauls the computer chair up in front of the couches and sits backwards on it, facing them.] Dan: I mean, it was incredible. Just her and me in there. I mean, she's all big and tough, but I wasn't afraid. Maya: You should have been, she's bigger than you are and has a mean streak a mile wide. Dan: Anyway, I just looked at that girl- Rick: Girl? Dan: And I just said "Come on, bring it on." Rick: That takes a lot of guts. Dan: Hey, I ain't afraid of her. She may act all big and tough, but hey - I'm better. Maya: Sure you are, Dan. Rick: I suppose this is the part where she wipes the floor with you. Dan: No! I was walking all over her! I mean, I used my naturally superior speed and technique to keep out fo her way. She barely laid a hand on me. Maya: Do we believe this? Rick: Not for an instant. Dan: And the best bit - I laid her out in the middle of the cage. It was incredible! One kick and BANG! Down she goes. Rick: Somehow I don't quite believe all this. Maya: So when does it go horribly wrong? Dan: Actually, it was about then. I was almost up the cage wall, when she rattles it. I mean, even I couldn't keep hold and boom! Down I come. Celena of course is a dirty fighter, so she hardly let me get up from there. Rick: Of course. No chance that she might be better than you? Dan: Are you kidding? I mean, I did my darndest, but in the end she managed to put me down just long enough to scurry over the top. But I tell you, the crowd were rooting for me all the way. I was the real winner there. Maya: Well I must say, I am impressed, even if you lost. Rick: I've got to admit, you wouldn't make up a story where you lost. [Rebecca enters] Rebecca: Don't believe a word of it. Dan: Uh-oh. Maya: Do tell. Rebecca: What he doesn't mention is that this "fight" took place in his flat, playing WWF Attitude. Rick: Really? Dan: Yeah. Maya: Really manly of you, Dan. Dan: Thanks... Wanna go out with me? Rebecca: Sarcasm is wasted on the truly stupid. Voice: And hello to everyone. Rebecca: Speaking of the truly stupid. Voice: Very cute. Maya: So what is it? Voice: I was actually sent today's fic for you to review, so it can't be that bad. Dan: Well, you said that about Cruel Lina's Thesis. Voice: That's different. Maya: But what's it actually about? Voice: Oh, it's a topic you guys have been discussing a lot of late. BGC 2040. [Pause] Rick: Really? Voice: No joke. Dan: There's BGC 2040 fics out there already? Rebecca: I wouldn't doubt it somehow. [They sit - Rick and Maya facing the TV, Dan and Rebecca on the other couch. Dan and Rick are closest on the corners.] [The screen lights up.] > Here goes... First fic time. Rebecca: We seem to get a lot of those. > I'd like to thank Michael, Gavin and especially > Ogunah for running the game Kelly comes from. Rebecca: Say, when was the last time we got an RPG character in a fic? Maya: That would be Darkwind. > So, without further ado... > Turn down your lights... Rick: Where applicable. > Put on your Akira soundtrack... Dan: At last, someone with taste. > Sit back and enjoy the ride! Maya: Please ensure that all tray tables are up and all seats are in the full upright position. > It was a chilly night in MegaTokyo, but she was enjoying riding anyway. The > breeze ruffled her short black hair and brought goosebumps out on her exposed > arms. In theory she should've been wearing riding leathers and a helmet, but she > didn't care much for them. Anyway, she figured that they wouldn't be much use in > a crash. Rick: Gee... I dunno. I think not having your brains spread across the highway could be an advantage. > It had been just on two years since she'd last visited MegaTokyo, and > from the looks of things, it hadn't changed much. It was just as cluttered, > noisy and filthy as she remembered. Maya: You sure this is a BGC 2040 fic? In BGC 2040, Megatokyo is rather clean and efficient. Ruthlessly such. Rick: Actually, she just happened to pick the one disgusting part of the city. > But things had changed, all right. Rick: No kidding! There's a demon goddess hanging around. Maya: Don't start. > Tokyo 2040: Altered Future > Chapter 1 - Part 1 > The insectile monster rampaged down the street, Rebecca: Aaack! It's Megalon the giant cockroach! > crushing cars haphazardly with long, spider-like legs. Maya: Just a normal night downtown, then. > Two glowing optics scanned in front of it, and a pair > of scythe-like blades swept away the debris cluttering the streets. Rick: I get it, it used to be a garbage boomer. > It ignored > the ADP officers before it, and their shots that bounced ineffectually off its > armored hide. Rebecca: The ADP - Making Starfleet Security look good since 1988. > "Another day at the office," Priss commented, surveying the scene. Maya: She obviously cares about as much as we do. > "Don't get cocky," was all Linna could add. > "Proceed as usual," Sylia commented coldly. The four Knight Sabres dispersed. > The first warning the voomer Rick: Um, hello? That's "Boomer," you know. > got was when a blue hardsuit landed right in > front of it. Priss thrust forwards her right knuckle bomber at its face, but > it blocked with one of its blade forearms. Maya: Like that'll help. > The blade blasted to pieces, Maya: Told you. > and > it used the other to swat her away. Linna dove down next, spinning and > loosing her ribbon cutters across the voomer's back. It's elongated torso > sliced in half, Rebecca: I lost 500 kilos on the Jenny Craig boomer program. Ask me how! > but it re-formed into a more humanoid configuration, supported > by its two remaining legs. Maya: I know these new boomers can re-shape their bodies, but I don't think they're *that* fast. > It swung back with its remaining arm and sliced at > Linna who barely managed to avoid it. The voomer held off the two sabres. Rebecca: While caught between them with only one arm. Right... Maya: Correct me if I'm wrong, but so far Priss has been able to handle just about everything alone. > ---------- > Kelly roared down the street, lost in her own thoughts. Maya: [Urgent] Watch out for that... [Winces] Ooh, never mind. > Her meeting tonight > was important, so important for more then just her... Rick: Hey, check it out. There's a plot happening here. > Her thoughts were cut off when she drove straight into a war zone. Rick: What? East Timor? Rebecca: No, West LA. > A mechanical monstrosity was > fighting a pair of armored figures. Maya: And would be losing badly, if portrayed realistically. > "SHIT!" she yelled out and veered her > bike off. It skidded, sliding away and sent her crashing to the ground. Rick: I bet you're missing that helmet about now. > The voomer glanced in her direction but ignored her, Dan: [Boomer] Nah, I've got more important things to trash. > content instead to fight off the two sabres. Rebecca: Bert and Takei? > Kelly dashed down a side alley and stood back to watch the fight. Maya: Setting herself up for victim of the week. > But the voomer seemed more interested in her - Maya: Even though it just ignored her? Voice: Give the writer a chance. He's a very good sport about this. > it swatted Priss > and Linna away and sprung into the alley, scythe blade outstretched. Rebecca: [Kelly] Oops. > Sylia swore under her breath and leapt down into the alleyway. She had to > try and save this woman. Rebecca: Any reason? Maya: Because she's probably their newest member. Rebecca: Of course. > Sylia extended her sword. > The Voomer lunged forwards. > Kelly raised her arm. Rick: And her middle finger. Maya: Things happened. In sentence fragments. > Sylia landed crouching and immediately sprang to her feet. Kelly faced her > with a solemn expression. Maya: [Kelly] Nice outfit, can I have one like it? > Behind them, the voomer teetered over and collapsed, > its head neatly departing from its shoulders. Rick: Stylish entrance there, Sylia. > Linna and Priss Rebecca: Were rather busy elsewhere, actually. > dashed around the corner to see what had happened. > "It's okay, the voomer's gone," Sylia told them. Rebecca: [Sylia] What took you so long? > "Damn, I wanted to kill it myself," Priss moaned. Rick: Tough luck, you'll just have to wait for the next rampaging psychotic monster to come along. > "Who's that," Linna asked. Maya: My guess is she's our Self Insertion for the day, but I could be wrong. > Sylia turned towards Kelly and smiled behind her faceplate. "Someone I've > been waiting to meet." Rebecca: Oh right, it's the "Sylia's old boyfriend" routine again. Dan: You mean old girlfriend... [Maya and Rebecca chuckle] Dan: Very funny. > Part 2 Rick: Electric boogaloo! > Kelly sat back on a couch in Sylia's penthouse, sipping on a soda. The > others were long gone - she hadn't gotten to see them behind their helmets Maya: [Kelly] Damn, I didn't get to see them changing! Rick: Just so I know, are we going to assume that Kelly's a lesbian? Rebecca: It's BGC 2040. It's probably safe to assume that *everyone's* a lesbian. Even Daley. > - and the team's leader told her to wait here. Rick: [Sylia] No, just a little to the left... Right on that bullseye. > Kelly was fairly tall and > muscular, with short & spiky black hair, brown eyes, a dark complexion and > a good figure. Maya: How come the new characters are never toothless, fat or ugly? > At the moment she was dressed in thick riding pants, a > sleeveless blue t-shirt and surplus NATO army boots. Rick: And riding in the middle of the night, she must have been freezing. > Sylia emerged though the door and sat opposite her. Dan: Then leaned forwards to give us all a good view. > "Now," the white-haired woman began Rick: Hey, hasn't she got blue hair? Dan: It's more white than blue. Rick: I tell you, it's blue! Dan: It's white! Rick: Blue! Dan: White! Maya: Help me. > "Tell me more about yourself." Dan: [Kelly] I come from a small town you've probably never heard of. Maya: [Kelly My turn-ons include Barry White music and fireplaces. Rebecca: [Kelly] I think you're really cute. Maya: [Kelly] And I'm not wearing any underwear. > "Not much more to know," she shrugged. Dan: [Kelly] I'm the avatar, so I've got the right to be enigmatic. Rick: [Sylia] Hey, that's my racket! > "I was coming back to MegaTokyo to Rick: [Kelly] Turn off the light in my bathroom. Dan: [Kelly] Go hunting for EVA merchandise. > meet a contact, but he was killed in that voomer fight. Then you picked me > up." Maya: [Kelly] I have to know. What was that you said about fifty bucks? > "Why were you after that contact?" Rebecca: To *contact* him. Duh. > "None of your concern!" Kelly haughtily replied. Dan: Aren't we being a bitch today? Rick: Her contact was probably wearing a red shirt anyway. > "Very well, then I can't help you, seeing he can't either." Dan: Sylia's got her there. > Kelly started and glared at her. "Was it about money, then?" Maya: Don't you know? *Everything's* about money. > "Yeah," Kelly moaned. "Lot's of money." > "I think we can help each other then." Sylia said. Rebecca [Sylia]: How much do you charge per hour? Dan: Take that how you will. > "I can make you a part of our team. Rick: What, just like that? She doesn't even have a damaged guidance system or anything. Maya: Don't you remember? Sylia was waiting to meet her or something. Yes, I know it was exceedingly vague, but never mind. > You'll work and train with us and get paid a hefty sum as part > of our missions. Rebecca [Sylia]: You'll also show up the rest of us and take every opportunity to prove how much better you are than us. You are also obliged to get at least one of us in the sack. > I'm sure we can settle your financial problems," Rebecca: Why? It's not like the Knight Sabres ever get paid or anything. Maya: Wrong BGC. Rebecca: Damn. It reads so much like an old BGC self-insertion that I'm getting confused. > she waved theatrically, "Whatever they are without too many problems." Rick: [Kelly] Are you sure about that? You haven't met Luigi yet. > Kelly thought for a second. They could hold out for a while, and no one was > expecting her back for a number of months anyway. Dan: Does anyone here know who she's talking about? Maya: Remember, this fic has a plot. Rebecca: Ah, it's probably the Star Angels, the Dragon Knights, the Exorcists, the Fright Knights, the Star Sabres, the Night Sabres, the Darknights or the Crescent Knights. Dan: Let's not go there again. > She had no source of > income and no other way to build up the kind of money they needed. Dan: Well, there's always- Maya: NO, Dan. > "All right, I'm in. But only for as long as it takes to get the funding." Rick: Famous last words. > "I'll try and change your mind on that last bit, Rebecca: [Zipper noise; Sylia] This help? > but it's a deal for now." Sylia leaned forwards slightly, Dan: Noce view... > reaching out to touch Kelly's hand. Maya: Ooh, they're getting "close" already. > Kelly slapped her hand away leaving Sylia shocked. > "Deal," she responded, "But don't ever touch me." Rick: Well *someone's* a bit sensitive. > The two of them sat in silence for a while, each trying to figure the > other one out. Rebecca [Sylia]: You're cute. Rick [Kelly]: You too. Wanna bonk? > ---------- > "Linna, Priss, Nene," Rick: Cambot! Maya: Gypsy! Rebecca: Tom Servo! Dan: CROOOOOW! > Kelly looked over the three other members as Sylia > introduced them, "This is our new member, Kelly." Maya: [Sylia] Remember to treat her with exactly the same hazing and disrespect you showed each other. Rebecca: [Priss] I'll get the frogs. > They were in the garage > training facility. Priss looked notable unimpressed by the newcomer, > possibly because she seemed stronger than she was. Rick: Priss is jealous to find someone who's more of a gorilla than her. Rebecca: Nah, she just thinks Kelly's a hunk. > Linna was as curious > as ever, but Nene didn't seem to care much about the situation. Maya: [Nene] Do you mind? This is cutting in on my eating time! > "Kelly's > considerable training leads her to a close-combat role - she'll be > filling the gap between hit-and-run and standing attacks," Dan: Which is... What? Rick: Um, stand and run, I guess. Rebecca: [Sylia] She'll perform the vital task of running away. > Sylia said, glaring pointedly at Linna and Priss. Dan: I guess *someone's* been slacking off. Maya: Well, if they didn't spend so much time gazing fondly at each other... > "Well sorry," said Priss in a huff, "I'm trying to cope, but rookie here > can't keep up." Dan: Leave off Linna. You've got someone else to call "Rookie" now. > "You never give me a clue to what you're doing. How am I meant to > coordinate properly with you?" Linna retorted. Rick: They're fighting again. Rebecca: They should just get a room. > "Those two are always bickering, you get used to it after a while," Nene > whispered to Kelly. > "It's like they're married or something," she responded. Rebecca: Don't joke about that. It's our job. > Both Linna and Priss stopped their arguing, and looked suddenly bashful. Maya: [Linna, quiet] Were they supposed to know about that, Priss? > Sylia just shrugged. Dan: [Sylia] I hate my life. > "First we have to test your combat potential in a simulated fight. > You'll face Linna in a VR suit battle." Maya: Why not put her through the same test Linna got? Rick: Because Kelly probably already knows how to fight. > Sylia directed Kelly into a closed-off area, Rick: Don't you hate it when you go to a theme park and half the rides are closed for repairs? > where a total immersion suit and helmet set awaited her. Rick: And if you look over to one side, you can see Pearce Brosnan. Rebecca: Rick, mention that film again and I *will* hurt you. > As Kelly started to suit up, Maya: Er... Kelly? The other way around. > Priss surreptitiously whispered to Sylia. Rebecca: [Priss, quiet] My place tonight, okay? I feel... Hot. > "Hey boss... Let me test her out. Rebecca: In bed? > I don't quite trust her." Dan: She's getting bad vibes, man. Rick: What's wrong Priss? Afraid that she'll show you up? Well... Deal. She's the Avatar here. > "Is this all right with you, Linna?" Sylia asked. Linna just shrugged, > then nodded. Maya: Linna's really expressive today. > ---------- > Kelly stood in a darkened room, not sure what to expect from the > simulation. Rebecca: See what happens when you don't read the manual? > A metallic figure appeared in front of her Rick: Hey, its a Cyberman. Rebecca: Imagine that. From all-conquering aliens to Fanfic extras. Dan: Those guys have been realy hard up for work for years. > and immediately > swung around with a high punch. Kelly easily ducked, rolling out of the > way and swept the figure's legs out from underneath her. All: Timber! > She struck its chest while it was down and was thrown off. Rick [Kelly]: I can fly! > The figure advanced again, > this time with a snap kick to the side, but Kelly blocked that Myaa: With her head. Uh, that wasn't quite the plan. > by raising her own leg and parrying with the shin. Dan: It's time for a little Sweet Shin Music. > She struck out > straight, catching the figure in its chest with her foot, then > continued attacking - two high left snap kicks, then two high right snap > kicks. Dan: You know, these moves look awfully familiar. > The last one threw the opponent back, Rick: So Kelly grabbed her by the neck and... STUNNER! STUNNER! > leaving Kelly to dash > forwards and spring around, stomping her left heel down on its head > while it staggered. Rebecca: And follows up with a boot to the head! > The figure stumbled, but struck out with another > punch. Kelly caught the arm, Maya: Who taught Priss how to fight, Sir Kain? > dragged it besides her and swept up with > her right leg and planted it in the side of the figure's head as it > stumbled past. Dan: I knew it! Kelly's moves are all ripped-off from Hwoarang! Rick: So she's a Tae Kwon Doe expert, huh? Maya: Well, she did seem a little tame for an SI. > The figure lay out on the floor, and the simulation ended. Rebecca: Insert two coins to continue. Dan: Game over man, game over! > ---------- > "That was easy!" Kelly said as she stepped out of the simulator room. [They all start chanting "Goldberg"] > "Guess I forgot to tell you I'm a Tae Kwon Doe expert, huh Linna?" Rick: See? > And what was with those swings of yours? Rebecca: Oh come on, she made them out of a tree branch, some rope and a tyre. > No offence, but you need to work on your fighting skills. Dan: I dunno, I think there's a few dead boomers who'd argue that point with you. > Linna merely sighed and pointed over to Priss who was fuming with anger. Maya: Guess who's in trouble. > "Actually," Linna said, "Priss was the one testing you." Rick: [Kelly] Oh dear. Dan: See ya, Kelly. Been nice knowing you. > "Whoops," was all Kelly could say before Priss leapt on her, Dan: Whoah! Hot, two-girl action! [Rebecca hits him with a cushion] > trying to throttle her. Nene and Linna immediately plunged in, Dan: Whoo-hoo! [Rebecca hits Dan with a cushion] > trying to pull > them apart, and Sylia only sighed with amusement. As much as she hated > to admit it, it was moderately fun to see her team Dan: I'll pay for that! [Rebecca hits Dan repeatedly with a cushion] > bicker. Maya: I have to side with her on this one. They're funny. > Part 3 > "It's almost complete," Sylia said, regarding the form of Kelly's > hardsuit. Maya: [Sylia] And it's sooo sexy! > "Great! I can't wait to take it out for a spin!" Kelly enthused. Rick: It's even got that new car smell. > "Don't get carried away. It's far from perfected, Rebecca: We still have to get that annoying squeak out of the pilot's seat. And then there's that mysterious rattling noise. > and some of its > systems may be dangerous in this state," Sylia warned. Dan: Not that it's stopped you before. > "How so?" Kelly responded. Rick: [Sylia] Well, it might occasionally go berserk and tear up half the city... Waitasec, wrong script. Maya: Nice obscure ADV joke there. Rebecca: Just as long as Linna doesn't start laughing. > Sylia pointed at the ankle-mounted rocket verniers. Rebecca: That's layman's terms for "rocket kicks." > "These accelerators are meant to increase the power in your kicks. Rick: [Sylia] But if you attach wheels to your feet, you'll have a nifty set of rocket-powered rollerblades! > But if I > don't tune them properly, they'll tear your leg off when you try to > use them." Dan: Tiny design defect, that. > Kelly winced. Rebecca: On the other hand, you could get some cool cybernetics like Takei has. > Sylia continued. "Of course, I could give you > a trial run in its current state..." Maya: Now there's an offer you *can* refuse. > "No, no, that's fine!" Kelly waved her hands in front of her. > Sylia smiled. Maya: Ugh, scary. > "Thought so." > ---------- > Genom Tower, the ever-present symbol of the world's would-be masters. Rebecca: AKA Quincy's compensation. > In a special office, Dan: Mason's lovely suite, eh? > Mason, heir apparent to the throne of Genom, Rick: And almost as privileged as Shane McMahon. > stood before his master. Maya: Special office nothing. > Quincy, old and dishevelled, hooked up to a > life support machine, studied a monitor before him. Dan: [Quincy] Re-runs, re-runs... When you get to my age, nothing on TV seems Fresh. > "So," his speech synthesiser vocalised, "We have finally found one of them." Maya: [Quincy] Although I still have to collect the holographic Blastoise and Venusaur cards. > "Yes, sir. The report was made briefly before the operative was > terminated," Mason said. Rebecca: Terminated, downsized, made redundant - Heck, why doesn't anyone just say "fired" any more? Dan: I think they meant the boomer. Maya: That would be "retired" then. > "Odd that they would return to MegaTokyo." Rick: [Quincy] After the ass-whupping we gave them last time. > "I believe they may be after something. All: Naw! > Unfortunately we don't know what yet." Dan: Do you guys want to be any more vague? Maya: Does this mean the SI actually has something to do with the plot? What a startling revelation. Rebecca: And worryingly original, too. > Quincy pondered this for a while. *You old bastard,* Mason thought, > *I've got better things to do than waiting on you.* Dan: [Quincy] Could you scratch my nose? Rebecca: [Mason] Yes sir, whatever you say. > "Mason!" Quincy demanded. Rick: Yessir? Um... did I just say that out loud? Uh, whoops. > "Yes?" Mason tried not to show his startlement at being shocked out > of his reverie. Dan: [Mason] Uh, sorry. I was just on another continent. > "Keep an eye on this one. But don't do anything to it except report > on its movements. With luck, it may lead us to the others." Dan: There's more like Kelly? Neat. > "Of course, sir." Rebecca: [Mason] Yes, oh high and mighty toilet hog. > ---------- > It was late at night on the streets of MegaTokyo. The city was > bustling, people were out and about, Dan: The Clowns and the Neon Dragons were battling it out on the highways. Rick: Godzilla was busy brawling with Gamera in the fuel depot. Rebecca: A few blocks got wiped out by an orbital particle beam satellite. Maya: Just a normal night, really. > clubs and bars were doing a roaring trade, police were on patrol Dan: And dying in droves. Rebecca: Oh look, there goes number 28 again. > and a BU-55C voomer was busy tearing up the shopping district. Rick: Just another peaceful... 55C? Dan: Huh? I thought this was meant to be Tokyo 2040? Voice: It is. Rebecca: So now he's pulling stuff from the original show? I don't see the point, honestly. Maya: Especially when there's a perfectly good battle boomer to use in 2040 anyway. > "Does this happen a lot?" Kelly asked, Rick: she's taking it well. > viewing the destruction in the safety of the Knight Sabres' garage. Rebecca: AKA the Really Big Room. > "You'd be surprised," was all Nene could say. Dan: They're awfully casual about all the destruction going on around them. > "Quit chatting, Nene, and suit up already!" Priss yelled. She was > already in her innerwear Maya: While trying to get out of Linna's, incidentally. > and was busy engaging her hardsuit's boarding > system. Sylia, fully armored, strode into the room. Rick: Shouldn't they be in the launch rail by now? > "We'll deal with the voomer. You stay here and watch how it's done," > she said. Rebecca: [Sylia] And to save all our miserable butts when it goes horribly wrong. > "Be careful, you might learn something," Linna joked. Maya: Not likely. > Kelly ruefully watched them depart. The voomer was dangerously close by. Rick: Well that explains it. > The battle > progressed, but wasn't going well. Although it was an old model, Rebecca: Genom's Old Technology even. Rick: Nice and obscure. > the 55C was still deadly. Dan: 'Cause it had the halitosis of doom. > Priss couldn't close with the monster, as it > kept her at bay with its high-powered mouth laser. Maya: So why not do what you always do? Dodge frantically, then plant a fist in its face. > Nene was staying back, Rick: And writing "I will not be ingratiatingly twee" on the blackboard. > as always, and occasionally peppering it with her railguns. It > mostly ignored her. Maya: [Nene] Nobody likes me! Rebecca: Figure it, Nene. > Linna and Sylia took a chance and charged straight > into the battle, taking it from behind while it was keeping Priss at > bay. The voomer spun around and opened up its chest, firing a huge > ball of plasma at the duo. Dan: Priss of course promptly planted a knuckle bomber up its ass, but never mind. > It caught both of them, flinging them > backwards and crashing them through a storefront. Rick: So do you like your Knight Sabre rare or well-done? Rebecca: There's always a pane of glass to crash through. > Priss charged in > from behind it, but it caught her arm and fired at her with its mouth > laser, striking her chest repeatedly before throwing her away. Dan: This is ridiculous. No way could a redshirt 55C beat all the Sabres. Rick: I guess they're just surprised to see it here. > "That does it," Kelly said and promptly pulled off her shirt. Rick: Whoah! Dan: Alright! *Now* it's BGC! > ---------- > The battle was going badly, to say the least. Maya: You already said it. > Linna was out cold, > Priss' hardsuit was badly damaged and Sylia was struggling to her > feet. Dan: Dude, this is pretty ****ed up right here. > The voomer had caught Nene Rebecca: And mounted her head on the wall. > and, holding her by her helmet, was > repeatedly kneeing her hardsuit in the chest. Without warning, a > dark figure descended on it. Rick: No, not Darkwind again! Dan: Nah, it's just Batman. Rick: I'm surprised you can tell the difference some days. > In a flash, almost too fast to se, the > voomer's arm disconnected from its body, Dan: Beware! Your bones are going to be disconnected! > dropping Nene to the ground. > The voomer spun around to face its new attacker. Rebecca: And turning its back on Nene. Not that it's a problem or anything. > The hardsuit was well armored, depicted a pilot with a solid frame Maya: And trust me, Linna noticed. > and was mostly black, picked out with highlights of gold. Maya: Ooh, nice. Can I have one like that? > A slight > glow came from the slit below the visor, which combined with the two > communications vanes to give it an almost demonic look. Dan: Even though no-one else's hardsuit does that. > It seemed unarmed, save for odd protrusions on the Rick: Knees. Is it BW2 Galvatron or Torgo? You be the judge. > ankles. Even its arms were > slim, being armored gloves rather than powered manipulators. Rick: Odd design touch for Tokyo 2040. > The voomer immediately surged forwards, only to be intercepted. > Turning sideways, the hardsuit leaned back and thrust out its left > leg straight forwards. Maya: Come on girls, lift those legs! One, two! > The ankle protrusions fired briefly, > accelerating the armored boot straight into the voomer's chest. Rebecca: Leaving the rest of her hardsuit behind. Looks like Sylia was right after all. > There was a loud crunch as its plasma cannon shatter, impacting > inwards and the voomer staggered backwards. Rick: Naturally she can damage it more in a few seconds than the Knight Sabres can in several minutes, but never mind. Maya: Give her a chance to show what she can do, then we'll hurt her. > Wasting no time, the > hardsuit turned again, placing its right leg forwards before > sweeping it to the right across the voomer's chest and to the left > again, swatting its head. Rebecca: Boot to the head! > The hardsuit returned to its original left leg forwards stance. Dan: Forward plus LK twice, then LK plus RK, then RK twice. Easy. > Enraged, the voomer surged forwards. The hardsuit hopped up > slightly and simply used the voomer's torso as a stepping stone to > walk over its chest, kick it in the back of the head and come to > the ground behind it. Rick: I guess she's walking all over it, then. Dan: That was bad, Rick. Really bad. > As they both turned around, the hardsuit > lunged forwards and connected with the voomer's head Rebecca: Well there's an interesting case of hardware compatibility. > with three > rocket-accelerated left snap kicks then two similar right kicks. Rick: Is everyone taking notes? This will all be in the test. Maya: Say, what are the rest of the Knight Saberes doing? Rebecca: Going at it like rabbits. > As > the voomer reeled, the hardsuit reached forwards and grabbed one of > its arms. > Sylia recognised the next move. So did Linna and Nene. Rick: But they're really not important. > Priss more so than the others, having actually experienced it. Dan: Say, anyone else notice how much attention the authour's paying to Priss? Rick: Just like BGC, really. > Kelly swore inwardly. She knew that she'd pulled a muscle somewhere, Rebecca: In fact, she'd pulled it in Des Moines, Iowa but that's not important right now. > but was damned if that was going to slow her down. Maya: Standing is another matter. > Both her legs ached from the strain of her rocket-booster kicks. Rick: Thingies. > *Sylia was right,* she thought, Maya: [Kelly] I would look awful as a blond. > *But it's almost over.* Dan: And we're glad for that. > Kelly's hardsuit dragged the voomer forwards and swung its leg up. > As it came down, six small plates, previously flush to the leg's > surface, raised themselves. Kelly dragged the voomer past herself > and brought her leg bombers, rocket kick assisted, down on the back > of the voomer's head. Maya: I hate to tell you this, but Priss already has leg bombers and rocket kicks. Kelly's hardsuit is kind of redundant. > There was a messy explosion, leaving it with > only a comical stump for a neck, Dan: So why didn't she just use the leg bombers to start with, rather than piss-farting around? Rebecca: Because you're not allowed to do your finishing move until the opponent's damage meter is on red. > before it teetered forwards and crashed to the ground. Rick: [Boomer] Rotting grill structure... Rebecca: Okay Rick, no-one is going to get that. > ---------- > Back in the garage, Rick: Meanwhile, back at the ranch. > Sylia and Priss confronted Kelly, all freshly shorn of their hardsuits. Rebecca: Thank you for innerwear. Dan: Ah, dammit! > "I can't believe you did something that thick," Priss yelled. Dan: [Priss] That's my racket! > "Yeah, like you're one to talk!" Kelly responded loudly. Dan: She's got you there. > "I've > heard from the others. They say you're just as crazy as a rogue > voomer!" Rebecca: Well, if you believe some of the conspiracy theories. > Priss struck out to slap Kelly, but she caught her > rival's hand inches away from her face. Maya: You can almost see the sparks flyiong between them. > "Cut it out, both of you," Sylia interjected. "I warned Kelly about > her hardsuit, but I didn't forbid her from using it. Rick: [Sylia] I wanted to see if her legs come off. Rebecca: [Sylia] If they had, don't worry. You would have been fine when I transferred your consciousness to a boomer body. Damn, didn't mean to say that! > She saved us all, Priss. How do you feel, Kelly?" Dan: [Priss] With my right hand, like such. > "Very sore. You were right, you need to adjust those verniers," > Kelly responded, grinning. Rick: [Kelly] I've still got both my legs, even. Maya: She could start a dance craze with those things. > "Priss?" Sylia said quizzically. > Priss glared at Kelly, then lunged forwards. Dan: She's going for the throat! > Before she knew it, Priss' arms were wrapped around her shoulders. Rebecca: Priss, this is neither the time nor the place. And you'll make Linna jealous. Maya: Well, I certainly think later chapters should be interesting. > Priss gave her a solid slap on the back, Rick: Oh well, there go her dentures. > then pulled back. There was a slight smile on her face. Maya: Oh, guess where her hands went. > "Thanks," was all she said, then left the room. > Kelly turned to Sylia. Her confused expression met Sylia's blank one. Rebecca: [Kelly] You don't want to grope me too, do you? > "You..." she started, then trailed off. "You have a weird team." Dan: And the 1999 award for statement of the bleedingly obvious... > ---------- > Writer's notes: Well, first chapter completed! Kelly's my > character from an RPG based on Tokyo 2040, using R. Talsorian's > BGC RPG. Rebecca: AACK! Fuzion! Kill! > This chapter is pretty much how she met up with our gaming team, Maya: Does that include the groping? > and yes, that is the hardsuit she uses in the game. Neat, huh? Rick: But redundant. > Editor's notes: I still say it needs some guns. Rebecca: Here, here! > Kelly's annoying, Maya: She isn't that annoying. Kinda fun, actually. > but fun to play alongside. Rebecca: *Especially* if you're Priss. > (Rick: :-P) With luck, she'll get the > same humility lesson in this fanfic that our group gave her. > (Rick: Not the whitewash again!) Dan: Do we want to know? > Oh, shut up. Rick: It's pretty tragic when the author's notes are the comedy relief. > Anyway, there's more to come, so stay posted. > More writer's notes: As my knowledge of Tokyo 2040 is incomplete > (to say the least), I've borrowed a few elements from the original > show. Mostly it'll just be voomer designs. Dan: Should we let him get away with that? [Pause] All: Nah. > Rick Borden - stingray_2040@yahoo.co.uk [The TV switches off.] Rick: Well... Dan: *Well.* Maya: I liked it. Rebecca: It was quite amusing in a strange way. Voice: Then you'll be glad to know I've already got a second chapter for you. Rebecca: Maybe not *that* amusing. Voice: ... Maya: I think Kelly's fun. Rebecca: Uh, whatever. Rick: actually, I'm already planning out an Attitude conversion for Kelly. Maya: Yeah, let's head over to Dan's place and abuse his Playstation. Dan: Hey! Rebecca: On the other hand, I could tell Celena about your little match. Dan: Damn. Okay. Rick: Good. You're getting the snacks. [They file out, with Dan grumbling all the way.] [The screen goes blank.] Voice: I can't wait for more like her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Riffed by: Jinas & Rick R. Mortis (rickr@one.net.au) Dan and Maya are copyright 1995-1999 Max Fauth (Jinas) Rebecca Bartley and Rick R. Mortis are copyright 1995-1999 Alex Fauth (Rick R. Mortis). Elmer Studios!: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Realm/2628/elmer.htm All of Elmer Studios' MSTings, artwork, character profiles, AAVM conversions and the Satellite of Predacons in one spot. Rick's Mecha Madness Page: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Realm/7194/index.htm AntiKevs, Mekton Z conversions, fanfic drinking game, the one and only Common Sense Timeline, crazy Fighters' Anthology .lib and missions, and Utterly Disturbing Nova Satori Shrine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Sylia recognised the next move. So did Linna and Nene. > Priss more so than the others, having actually experienced it.